Benchmark P1


“There should be effective and inclusive democratic participation, including regular, free, and fair elections to legislatures, assemblies and other public institutions, and meaningful engagement by government and public institutions with those whom they serve.”

1.1 OUTCOME: People are at the centre of policy and decision-making processes. There is a balanced participation of all genders in political and public decision-making, and the broad participation of all people, including the less privileged and the vulnerable is fostered.

1.2 OUTCOME: People have the opportunity to access and engage in policy and decision-making processes directly or through legitimate intermediate bodies that represent their interests, ensuring decisions reflect the will of the majority while respecting the rights and legitimate interests of the minority.

1.3 OUTCOME: Elections are conducted freely and fairly, without any fraud, in accordance with national laws, European standards and electoral heritage, as summarised for instance in the Code of good practice in electoral matters of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission).

Start to assess your local authority against Principle 1 – Democratic Participation